Monster Strike Demon Slayer Collab Akaza F2P mission first clear モンスト鬼滅コラボ猗窩座無課金ミッションクリア


I spent 2 sessions trying to do it with a no berries no badge Rengoku, then I tried with a proper one and this happened relativly early on. I’ll probably upload a proper one for shots on 2nd and 3rd boss bars.

Basically when you kill an angel, the skull makes the other angels give def up. You balance killing angels that your units are not near so you don’t take damage. Def up cuts the damage to 1/50.

Akaza attacks are:
Top right wave – non elemental, pierces and flies towards closest unit.
Bottom right wood rankidan – single target closest unit, does a lot of damage so make sure closest unit has def up.
Bottom left – nonelemental full screen attack. Try to get everyone def up if you can.

If you worry about def up too much you might not have opportunities to pinch and do damage. Rengoku has inner strength/底力 so he gets a buff when at 50% or less health.

The angels don’t disappear immediately so you can very feasibly kill the angel and pinch where it was. Just keep an eye out on the def up radius denoted by the green laser barriers.

My thoughts – the pinches were harder to execute than other pinch quests and the random shifting of units when angels despawn was really awkward. Sometimes they would teleport across the screen.

